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Top 7 Proven Ways To Improve Typing Speed And Accuracy

Date: Aug 23, 2022

Top 7 Proven Ways To Improve Typing Speed And Accuracy

They say practice makes perfect but it’s not completely true. It is CORRECT practice that makes the job done and flawless. From the start of your day until the end, it takes a lot of correct practice to do your tasks effectively and efficiently. 

The Majority of jobs today require a general knowledge of computers, and perhaps also demand a typing skill. Working slowly can get customers tired of waiting and will look for other ways to get the job done fast. Therefore, in line with typing skills, speed and accuracy play a huge role in this modern age, as they will somehow affect the basics of your productivity.

Here are seven (7) proven ways that will surely make a drastic change in your speed and accuracy when typing (take it from a person who has a typing career). 

What Are The Top 7 Proven Ways To Improve Typing Speed And Accuracy?

◾ Correct Positioning

◾ Designate Finger Keys

◾ Memorization

◾ Hand Placement

◾ Posture

◾ Discipline

◾ Practice

Correct Positioning

Your fingers should be in a position where you can type letters, numbers, and special characters quite effectively. It will determine the pace of your speed and accuracy if you can put it in a proper way; with that, it can impact your work. 


Your finger positioning should start with your left pinky finger on letter A, followed by your left ring finger on letter S, middle finger on letter D, pointer finger on letter F, and left thumb on the space bar. To your right hand, your right pinky finger should be on the semi-colon symbol (;), your right ring finger should be on the letter L, your right middle finger on the letter K and thumb the space bar.


Notice that if you position that way, your fingers can go up and down freely without a hassle. Also noticed that there are letters left on the keyboard that are not designated for (letters G and H). To make it clear, refer to the next point.

Designate Finger Keys

Designating your fingers for a specific key is the strategy for effective and efficient improvement in your typing skills. 


Here are some specifics where you can try to have your finger placement, typing-ready.


To your LEFT; pinky finger must be in keys (1, Q, A, Z); your ring finger is for (2, W, S, X); middle finger (3, E, D, C); pointer finger (4, R, F, V, 5, T, G, B) and thumb for the space bar.


To your RIGHT, pinky finger must be in keys (0, P, ; /); your ring finger is for (9, O, L .); middle finger (8, I, K,); pointer finger (7, U, J, M, 6, Y, H, N) and thumb for the space bar.


When you try to place your fingers to their designated keys, you will see that there are some keys that are not “assigned” to either of your fingers. You will then let their closest finger be their designated. For Example, Caps Lock, on the left of your keyboard, will be designated for your left pinky finger, and enter, which is on the right of your keyboard, will be for your right pinky finger. 


Perfect placement of fingers on designated keys will only do its magic when you can also memorize the letters to whom it was “assigned”. You can place every finger perfectly yet get slow results in your typing speed and accuracy if you will not memorize those designated finger keys. 


Make faultless familiarization with keys on your keyboard because you will encounter different types and designs of keyboards. One good illustration is an apple keyboard. If you are using and accustomed to using normal keyboards, you will do some adjusting. 


(Ex. “Ctrl + C” is a shortcut for copying on a regular keyboard but it will be “Command + C” on an Apple keyboard – despite having a “control” key). So it is better if you are familiar with its keys and functions.


Pro tip: Along with your memorization and familiarization of keys, try to type without looking at your keyboard. Just focus your attention on the screen and attempt to make fewer and fewer mistakes when you type. That exercise can help you remember where those keys are positioned and placed.

Hand Placement

The wrong placement of the hand can make you very uncomfortable and can be painful for a long period of time. Your keyboard’s space bar must also be centered with your body so that you will not be typing from a different angle, which is awkward. Your elbows should be placed on a table or could be in a hanging position, but always bend your wrist slightly elevated to the computer. Your hand should be still and resting on your keyboard while the fingers do the job, and you must be relaxed so that you can loosen yourself while typing.


Sitting posture is critical and can make you unwell if you are not careful. Some people get back pains during and after sitting improperly. You better be cautious about this to avoid untimely rest that can cost a lot of hazards to your productivity.


To sit properly during typing, your feet should be flat on the ground and your knees should be parallel to your hips or just a little lower. Keep your hips far back in the chair and sit up straight. A 100 to 110-degree angle should be used for the chair's back's reclining. Make sure the keyboard is in front of your body and you have appropriate hand placement. [Refer to point number 4]


Along with all the basic tips mentioned above, you cannot expect to see noticeable results when you are not disciplined enough. Be patient in trying to adjust your fingers on a designated letter and functions keys, try to memorize and familiarize yourself, use correct hand placement, sit properly, and when you are orderly enough to make this your new typing norm, it will be easy for you for just take off on your speed and accuracy, and be more productive on your working hours. 


It usually takes 2-3 weeks to adjust to this typing norm, and you will start slow. It is okay, as long as you continue on this track; you are on your way to improving.


Discipline and practice come hand in hand. You need to have the discipline to correctly practice these new norms for you to be able to have a speedy and accurate typing ability.     


You can visit some websites to practice. These are some websites that you can check:


I hope these basic tips can help you develop and improve your speed and accuracy in typing. Always remember, Correct Positioning, Designate Finger Keys, Memorization, Hand Placement, Posture, Discipline, Practice (acronyms CDMHPDP); or simply left middle finger (C ), left middle finger (D), right pointer finger (M), right middle finger (H), right pinky finger (P), left middle finger (D) and right pinky finger (P). 


Lastly, it’s not practicing that gets the job done flawlessly, it is CORRECT practice.