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How to Write an Essay (Step by Step)

Date: Nov 11, 2022

How to Write an Essay (Step by Step)

The art of persuasion has been practiced for centuries, and essay writing is an essential form of expression. However, writing essays can also be a daunting task for many, especially for students. However, if you break it down into steps, you will find that it is a manageable task that you can accomplish.

This article intends to guide you step-by-step on how to write an essay

How to Write an Essay (Step by Step)

  1. Choose a topic. 
  2. Do your research. 
  3. Determine what type of essay you will write. 
  4. Formulate your thesis statement.
  5. Create an essay outline. 
  6. Compose an introduction.
  7. Write the body.
  8. Frame your conclusions.
  9. Read your output. 

Choose a topic.

Choosing your topic might be the most challenging task when writing an essay at first, especially if you are not an avid reader. Starting from zero can be daunting indeed. But to make things easier for you, you might want to consider checking the trends in social media platforms and your take on those trends. You might also consider writing about a stand you are passionate about, such as climate change and sustainability, animal cruelty, social inclusion for differently-abled people, mental health stigma, and other pressing issues you have an opinion about. Another helpful tip we can give you is to skim through newspapers and learn about critical issues affecting the populace. If you are a student, start with the course you are asked to write an essay for. For example, if you are studying machine learning, you can write about the ethics of artificial intelligence. 

Once you have a list of potential topics, you can start thinking about what you want to say about each one. If you still have trouble coming up with ideas, try free writing. Free writing is when you write without stopping or planning. Just let your thoughts flow onto the page; this can help you get started and give you some direction.

Do your research. 

Researching these days is a lot easier than during the days when access to a computer and the internet were limited. Pre-information age, students visit the library, get to the card catalog section of the library and scan all the cards containing the references; that is like physical web crawling at its finest! 

But now you have the library at your fingertips, literally. You can use your cell phone when you want to access a news site or social media platform. However, because too much information is available, the challenge is only to select the verified information. It would be best if you were discerning in identifying which ones are fake or merely propaganda. Develop an eye for spotting legitimate websites. 

When researching the web, you can use keywords related to your topic. You can also conduct a boolean search for a more targeted research yield. 

What is Boolean search? 

Boolean search applies the boolean logic when typing in queries. A mathematician named George Boole developed a system of logic that uses what are called Boolean operators. Boolean operators connect your search words, either by narrowing or broadening your search results, according to MIT Libraries. The basic Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. Read more on this topic here

Determine what type of essay you will write. 

There are several tones or styles to write your essay. Though in general, essays are persuasive as you try to convince people to believe your opinion on your chosen topic. You can also write essays that are expository, descriptive, and narrative. 

According to Purdue University Online Writing Lab, an expository essay intends to investigate a specific idea, examine the facts written about it, and create your own opinion on the matter. Descriptive essays involve extensively writing about a person's particular experience. For example, you can write about your experience in underwater cleanup (scuba diving; you need to describe in detail how it felt to be underwater, what the ocean scape looks like, and how much trash you were able to take out. On the other hand, narrative essays are similar to descriptive essays, but you have to write about some context, the plot, characters, setting, climax, and conclusion. 

Formulate your thesis statement.

Now that you have brainstormed some ideas and identified a topic, it is time to develop a thesis statement. A thesis statement is your central argument and should be clear, concise, and engaging.

A good thesis statement articulates your main argument and takes a position on that argument. That means your thesis statement should not simply be a fact; it should make an assertion. For example, if your topic is "The benefits of exercise," your thesis might be "Exercise improves mental health by reducing stress and improving mood."

To write a good thesis statement, you must ask yourself some questions: What is my main point? What am I trying to argue? What evidence do I have to support my argument? Once you answer these questions, you can formulate your thesis statement.

Create an essay outline. 

Your essay should have three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Your outline will be your guide when writing your essay. It is like the frame of your writeup; it will allow you to logically write your argument and ensure that each statement is connected and makes sense.

Compose an introduction.

Your introduction should include the context or background of what you are writing about and your thesis statement. The first paragraph should be engaging and cause your readers to read further.

Write the body.

The body would then consist of your main talking points or ideas arranged in a logical order and a flow that will allow your readers to connect your talking points. State your main opinion first, supported by evidence, examples, and explanations. 

Frame your conclusions.

When writing your conclusion, you have to state your thesis statement, make a concluding statement that directly addresses the thesis statement, and then support it with the summarized key points you have.

Read your output. 

Sometimes we are in a rush to submit our work, so we forget to read your output. The following are the things you must ensure before hitting that send button:

◾ Check for grammatical errors and punctuation. 

◾ Ask yourself, "did my ideas flow logically?" Or do I need to rearrange some statements? Did I write good transitions between ideas or paragraphs? 

◾ Check for plagiarism. As a student or even a professional writer, you must make sure that you give credit to the authors you used as references; this is non-negotiable. There are free online plagiarism checkers such as

Some tips on writing a good essay:

◾ Be mindful of your grammar. Your grammar will always affect the clarity and coherence of your essay. 

◾ If you get stuck, do not worry! Just take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes it helps to walk away from your work for a little while so you can come back with fresh eyes.

◾ Write with a clear purpose or intent. Sometimes you can get distracted by trivial facts that do not improve or help make your argument more robust and more apparent to your readers. Always go back to your thesis statement and always refer to your outline. 

◾ Create a timeline. You might not like the sound of this, but you have to create a timeline because you might spend too much time researching and have little time writing. 

◾ Enjoy and learn from the process. Think of it as a way for you to express yourself rather than merely a requirement you need to submit. Think about how you can influence others through your essay. 


Writing an essay does not have to be a daunting task. Following the simple steps outlined in this article can increase your chances of writing a good essay and getting the grade you want. Do not be afraid to ask for help if needed; take your time proofreading and editing your work before submitting it. 

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